27 September 2008

A Gift to the Democrats

The drama that is going on in Washington via the Republican Party…..priceless. From the beginning when the Wall Street crisis first began to unfold back in August 2007, I knew it was the consumer who needed the injection via wages because they represent 2/3rd of the economy so it makes sense to keep that part of the economy humming without a hitch. And I would rather have wage inflation problems any day than to devalue the currency, especially the US dollar, by printing money to help the banks. At that time when this crisis started rearing up the banks should have been made to accept the monthly payments they were receiving from the majority of folks that made their payments and use that money to fix what they broke and if that money didn’t cover it bite the dust.

That being said, this could not have happened at a better time for the Democratic Party. I know you are saying that we should not be pointing fingers but I am pointing because it needs to be pointed out that we once again have a major crisis which has it roots tied to the Republicans when they had the majority in the senate and the house, enabling a Republican president in the White House and his business buddies. They deregulated and killed oversight which allowed the fellows on Wall Street to do what they did and now we are here in the present moment on the brink. And do you all remember how the Republicans ruled on the side of credit card issuers to increase your monthly credit card payments? Personally, I think that was the straw that broke the camel’s back seeing that wages are pathetic.

So here we are with Republican grand standing at its best, what I call the last stand of the Republican Party. Here we have the Republican Party, the champion of the tax payer, riding to the rescue. “We aren’t passing anything that is going to cost the tax payer”. Ah hush up and go eat your wheaties. What a farce. Now they want to talk about the tax payers but they should have had the taxpayers in mind when they were so busy deregulating everything. Well guess what? The Republicans are going to have to pass this because without this legislation, lenders will not have funds to lend to businesses for payroll and businesses will not function and jobs would be lost, so good luck to the deregulators with the tax payer line.

Talking about backing yourself in a corner. And what makes it so bad is most tax payers really don't understand if the Paulsen Plan does not pass there will be nothing to tax because if this does not pass there will be no payroll.. This is how Republicans use people's lack of knowledge to pass their agendas that don’t benefit tax payers. But this time I smell backfire big time. And when it is all said and done the Republicans will end up eating crow because they put themselves on the hook for the tax payer and cannot deliver.

And guess what? This is a win win for the Democratic Party. If the Democratic Party says well we are not going to vote or pass this legislation unless the Republicans come on board, they come off benefiting from the fact they did not pass legislation that would cost the tax payer. And you have to wonder what will the relationship be between Republicans and their business constituents after this grand stand posturing because as you know with Republicans it is the business interest before the tax payer (hint: tax cuts). The benefit of this Republican grand stand could mean businesses start moving to do more Democratic Party funding perhaps but we hope if that happens Democrats can avoid the temptations that have snared our Republican fellows if there is such a shift.

As I stated at the beginning of this it is the consumer that should have been helped first. Now we the consumer will have to help with a bail out of the economy on already stressed wages. Not to mention these very businesses undercut the economy by sending jobs overseas and now we have to help them.

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