The path the Democratic congress has chosen to get the administration to change its position is like torture itself for both those who are serving in Iraq and for those who have lost loved ones as a result of purely bad policy. They go through the motions of all the hearings, including the current attorney general hearing, but all of these hearings are a pure waste of time. They are a waste of time because the administration in the name of national security keeps stalling when asked for information. The Democrats pick up a little trinket of scandal here and there and hit and miss like someone swinging at a ball in the dark hoping for a hit. Anything they happened to get that is scandal is played down in the name of terrorism.
So when all of the hearing options are exhausted where will the Democratic congress turn to get the administration to change its Iraq position? Or will they just sit idly by and hope and pray for 2008 to go in their favor? It is a sad day in America to say the least. We have a Democratic congress that is getting trampled on when it is not necessary for them to be trampled on. Something is not right with this picture. It is incomprehensible how the Democrats have chosen to dance around the fact that if they want to change the U.S. direction in Iraq the master mind will have to be removed.
The tiff for tat moves that are being worked in congress are mind boggling. If anything says I do not support the troops it is the ongoing torturous hearings and the wrangling that goes on between congress and the administration for information that sends a message to our troops that we are not serious about getting you out of harms way. If this congress is truly serious and sincere about wanting the troops to return safely they must remove the mastermind that construed the events. They must rid themselves of the fear that binds them to a policy that has no ground; the fear that you are turning your back on the troops if you don’t support a flawed policy.
The basis for Iraq is unsound from the inside out and it is at that origin that needs dissecting and checked. The Iraq policy makes September 11 look like a diversion; a diversion that perhaps not masterminded but conveniently used. So the first thing that I would want to know and start hearings on is September 11. Was there intelligence to warn of an imminent attack on U.S. soil and prevent the atrocity? Who was given the responsibility to act on the intelligence and did they follow through? If not, why? Crime: Malfeasance and gross reckless endangerment. The next hearing would be on Iraq intelligence. Who was responsible for gathering intelligence? Was the evidence accurate? Was the intelligence tampered with? The next hearings would be on wire tapping. Were laws broken in the gathering of evidence using wire tapping? Were warrants requested before using the wire taps? As evidence mounts charges can be made and thus the removal of the Iraq masterminds and the beginning of the removal of the troops from Iraq.
Of course there is the question of the numbers, not enough Democrats to pass articles to remove and replace the leaders of the current administration. That should not be a problem for if charges are laid bare who would not convict? And to not convict especially on the grounds of malfeasance and obstruction and falsifying of evidence to support a baseless war causing the deaths of multitudes should not go well with those who would give a pass to the administration.
The Democrats are using this around about method of meaningless hearings to get the administration to shift its position on Iraq and it will not happen. And all of the motion they are going through currently is so unfair to those who are losing their lives and have lost their lives for a vain purpose. They loath the thought of hearings for impeachment they say it takes to much time and it will take away from them supporting the troops. How opportune. How much time have they wasted with the hearings they currently have in progress that would not have been well spent if when they initially came into office they proceeded with hearings to remove those who in all actuality work adversely against the troops? Iraq is not about U.S national security it is about securing oil and those who profit from it. And until the Democrats put up or shut up and make a September 11 correction more sad days for America lies ahead.
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