Ok after listening to the president’s news conference today, it seems as though someone pulled him aside and had a sit down with him. His demeanor was completely different. It is apparent that it may have sunk in what was going on around him. He is peeping outside of the bubble. There are probably so many skeletons in the closet of this administration that he cannot afford to not go along with the rising call to pull out of Iraq. This is my prediction going forward. He will have a change the course epiphany when he makes his final conclusion otherwise he will probably have congress to deal with. And with the
announcements flying about investigations being launched by the incoming democratic heads of the congressional committees next year he would be putting himself out there if he does not make some kind of concession. Don’t forget Harry Reid said
the ball was in his court. So perhaps what we are seeing is the effort to save face so as to not look like his policy was a complete failure. Sorry it is at the expense of the soldiers while we wait.
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