Listening to the reporters from various news organizations report about the execution of Saddam Hussein there is never once been any mention of what the implications of this will be on America. Their questions are geared toward what implications this will have on Iraq. The consequences for
America are also an issue. Given that Saddam once worked as a proxy for the US against Iran, and how the US in the past has used proxy governing to provide a means to its ends , those days may be over. Who will want to cooperate with a government that uses you for their ends and then when you display a bit of autonomy they turn against you and drag you through the mud for public display and backlash? By no means do I defend any leader who commits crimes against humanity as a way to express their autonomy and if evidence is found that supports these types of crimes being committed they should be brought to justice internationally. Albeit there are leaders that have with the world’s knowledge committed these crimes and they go on about their daily business unimpeded.
The fact this procedure to do away with Saddam was carried out so blatantly vindictively, because there was no hard evidence in support of the reasons he was captured, instead of using covert actions to capture him and/or letting him be tried in world courts, perhaps mutes any triumphant or exuberant joy that would be a result of finding out the dictator is no more. It expose
d in my opinion the true reason for his capture and the hand of the US in the entire affair. And no matter how many statements are made that it was the Iraqi’s that governed over the procedure and brought Iraqi justice to Saddam, no matter what kind of spin is put on it, they were acting as the proxy arm of the US. Any other outcome would have meant their downfall. The US government’s subdued response to the announcement of the execution of Saddam Hussein speaks volumes. When you defeat a true enemy and threat to your safety there is great rejoicing. So the downplayed response of Saddam’s execution is fitting
The US government will likely be hard pressed to find help from other governments in time of need because it will be likely that other governments will be on their guard against any US involvement in their affairs which will without doubt going forward do harm to the US on the international front. Without access to and help from other governments in the time of true need may put the US in truly precarious situations. A perfect example of this is Russia’s move to nationalize their oil industry. The US may now begin to experience true isolationism.

The fact this procedure to do away with Saddam was carried out so blatantly vindictively, because there was no hard evidence in support of the reasons he was captured, instead of using covert actions to capture him and/or letting him be tried in world courts, perhaps mutes any triumphant or exuberant joy that would be a result of finding out the dictator is no more. It expose

The US government will likely be hard pressed to find help from other governments in time of need because it will be likely that other governments will be on their guard against any US involvement in their affairs which will without doubt going forward do harm to the US on the international front. Without access to and help from other governments in the time of true need may put the US in truly precarious situations. A perfect example of this is Russia’s move to nationalize their oil industry. The US may now begin to experience true isolationism.
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