17 November 2006

Word for today "Objective"

After watching the commotion going on within the Democratic Party for the past few days I hope this is not what we have to look forward to in the days ahead. Because of her new leadership position, Speaker Pelosi would do well to set aside any personal differences for the good of the party which brings me to our word for today “objective”. I’ve been watching Mrs. Pelosi and she looks to me to be salivating. New found power and all. If first impressions are anything, she is off to a bad start. In her position, to take sides in a leadership competition when it was to be determined by vote who would be chosen to hold the Majority leadership position, made her look bad. (And her man lost). And any behind the scenes arm twisting did not help endear her to the rest of the party. Her positioning was based on some bad history between herself and Congressman Hoyer. And then there was the 26 year old taping of a sting operation involving Congressman Murtha that comes up out of the blue and its like what is going on with the Democrats? Even though there may have been some differences between Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Hoyer those differences should have been left on the side and she should have taken a “hands off” posture towards the outcome of the vote.

I like Congressman Murtha because he was willing to take an unpopular stand against the war in Iraq but, when Mrs. Pelosi in her past speeches talks about the culture of corruption in the Republican Party, she dashed any hopes of Murtha being the second in command. She should have known based on that to just stay out of the competition between Congressman Hoyer and Congressman Murtha. And that regardless of Murtha’s past dealings. It worked out that Hoyer did win because if he had not, the Democrats would have taken a lashing. And we don’t need that starting out of the gate.

I hope she will be able to redeem herself with the next round of leadership appointments. She has an opportunity to show those good leadership skills that I am confident she possesses. If she can handle that better than the Hoyer Murtha affair maybe she will be able to recoup some if that political capital she lost. Let the healing begin and show me the unity! …James Carville Another story.

When I watched their press conference yesterday announcing the new Democratic Party leaders, I felt really sad for Congressman Murtha. He was clearly hurt by the results. I was happy to see that Speaker Pelosi did at least acknowledge him and that he is going to chair the Armed Services Committee although I’m sure being the Majority leader would have been his preference. I will give her credit for standing by Congressman Murtha through thick and thin but being objective would be a better approach for Speaker Pelosi.

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