27 November 2006

Iraq Civil War

NBC and MSNBC have opened up the debate today by announcing they have decided to call the civil strife in Iraq a civil war. So now we have the transition from the war on terror to a civil war

Calling it a civil war cannot fair well with the administration seeing that now they will have to explain why the troops are in Iraq. Calling it a civil war does not work for them as it no longer gives them an excuse to be in Iraq. It goes against their “war or terror” agenda. The package has been torn apart; Pandora’s Box was inside and has been opened

It was said that the Iraqi’s need to fix the problem themselves. There was no civil war when it was decided to take out Sadaam and those weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqis did not create this problem and no matter what the fiasco is called that is going on there, no matter how strategist, analyst, and politicians try to dance around it, the bottom line is that our presence there is the catalyst for the chaos. And if there is a desire to bring stability to the region, there has to be ownership taken for the destabilization there. In the words of Colin Powell, “if you break it fix it”. This is not a popular position to take. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but if they want a resolution to the problem they will have to own up and find a way to get the parties involved to participate in a truce.

It is a non issue to say that Iraq has to take responsibility for establishing their government and take control of the chaos that was created by the US. I am sure they would like nothing more than to do those things but the US presence there is interfering. Whatever they call the turmoil there, no matter how much lipstick they try to put on this pig, it makes the U.S. government under this current administration look inept in its foreign policy.

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