29 November 2006

I knew there was something unusual about Dick Cheney’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

I keep saying that if the US wants to remedy the situation in Iraq, the US is going to have to take ownership of the problem and that is, our presence there upset an already fragile situatio. And here is an article that is talking about the fact that the US keeps trying to put the burden of this problem on Iraq when this situation was not something they started. And if the people of Iraq feel any animosity against the US can you blame them?

The meeting between our president and the prime minister of Iraq has been canceled. Hmm. And we are being told that something like this is not unusual. Hmm. Well if you have to tell us that….. Hmmm. And by the way a dinner that was take to place will not include the PM. Hmmm. Whatever the reason the PM backed out of his meeting with the president it is not a good sign. And not to mention the meeting which took place between the Iraqi president and the Iranian president in the back drop of all of this. They have reschedule the meeting for tomorrow morning. And now that I am thinking I wonder if it was the U.S. delegation that offered to extend the meeting to tomorrow? Hmmm.

I was listening to Pat Buchanan on Scarborough Country and he seems to think that none of this is happening by accident. He believes that what leaks there were about PM Maliki were not by accident and that it is a set up for a show down with the cleric al-Sadr and his 40,000 followers. Thus as I stated in an earlier post, this meeting was probably a type of guage to see what was the PM Maliki position and the leak was a little extra? We will see what happens tomorrow.

But if it does come down to a show down between the US and al-Sadr that means we may be in for a show down with Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, Syria, China, because these countries/groups are like allies. Maybe not formally, maybe undercover, but if we go against al-Sadr he could call in this back up and this could very well be what we see play out. This will be that show down with Iran that this administration has been wanting. I hope I am wrong. And you know in the back of my mind I kept thinking it is something about this meeting that just does not sit well. And I too was of the mind set that the leaked memo from the national security advisor was declassified intentionally. They are well able to keep things from getting into the public eye if they need to do so. And to add, to all of this the letter from the Iranian president to the American people? What timing. Could it be a warning? Could he be trying to tell us something? Could it be the handwriting on the wall that a confrontation is coming? Hmmm....

1 comment:

Ms Enigme said...

check out the hmmmm count!