23 March 2007

Absoluteley no justification for Iraq

There’s no wonder Republican mouths get upset and call those against the war unpatriotic. It is because they have no justification for Iraq and they use the unpatriotic line and the you don’t support the troops line to deflect their own guilt on their opponents. The guilt in knowing they sent people to their deaths with no justification is most likely unbearable for them, therefore those in favor of this unjustified action in Iraq must direct that guilt away from themselves and they do so by trying to direct their guilt on and silence those who see through them and those who know how to better deal with world affairs by accusing them of being unpatriotic and against the troops. They constantly have to come up with new twist and in their republican speak in order to keep their guilt concealed and their agenda flourishing as I noted in the recent press conference with Tony Snow. Oh how he likes to twist the republican guilt and try to transfer it to others who ask questions of a serious nature and he deflects it with answers full of twisted spin. Their accusations are their abominations and their spin is spent.

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