20 December 2006

ET Phone Home

On to another story of economics. We learn that our presence in the Persian Gulf is possibly being beefed up due to the increasing defiance of the Iranian government’s disposition of their nuclear weapons program Yeah right!! Recall if you will the story the day before was, rather than accepting dollars for their oil, Iran was accepting Euros instead. Now as in previous articles here in this blog it is important to stress the fact that if there is a status quo in our government it will only increase tensions, on all levels, in our relationships with other countries friend and foe. Since we depend on trade we cannot afford to have this new policy of using force to promote democracy. Nary the twain doeth mix. How do you mix force and democracy? It is oxy moronic; we use our super power status to promote democracy.

Well the thing about democracy is force is not part of the democratic equation. Force, that is our military force, is what protects the equation when something does not add up. And not to mention our military is more like a defense mechanism and not an offense mechanism which is attributable to the fundamental fact that this country was fashioned on the premise of people having freedom of self determination and the government recognizes that freedom and protects it by the constitution. Our governing body was designed as a defense for the preservation of human rights to self determination so how can the military which is part of that culture participate in such offense actions. It is the nature of the American being to defend the right of self determination. That is why this administration comes into conflict every time because the policy they are trying to impose clashes with the very foundation upon which this country was built and which has been ingrained in every American born on this soil.

When we are born in America we know it is our automatic right to self determination within reason and we will fight to preserve that. And that mentality exists in every American soldier because he himself is of course American with that same doctrine which has been entrenched in us all. So to put in place a policy such as using force to promote democracy in countries that are essential, is how shall I say, a façade. So whatever planet (perhaps planet neocon) those new policy makers came from they need to get back quickly.

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