The Republicans use a lot of rhetoric about how their party is the better party when it comes to national security. And it always seems to cause the Democrats to freeze in their tracks. When they, the Republicans, beat the drums concerning their ability to keep America safe the Democrats buckle under the sound of their voice. It is a shame that there is no one amongst them that is able to beat the Republicans at their own game.
I listen to the Republicans talk about how if a Democrat is elected to the executive office America will be vulnerable to attacks. And that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for “you know who”. The abuse the Democrats take from the Republican Party is remarkable, and all because they can’t counter the argument that is made against them. The Democrats according to history have been left a legacy of being a weak party when it comes to national security. Vietnam is what haunts them. Personally I believe the Democrats are weak when it comes to formulating an argument.
You see Republicans display traits of a street fighter. They are people with street knowledge. People with street knowledge publicly play dirty and don’t care about their opponents. They are divisive. They posture themselves as something they are not. They twist and hype minor situations into detrimental chaos for their benefit, to further their desire to stay in power. Democrats on the other hand like to publicly play by the rules and follow protocol. They do their share of dirt too but they cover their trail, some successfully some not so successfully. And I guess for this reason Democrats are subject to being named weak on defense. So I say to the Democrats it’s not really about having a backbone. Republicans don’t have backbone. They have “street cred”. And those with “street cred” get respect, blind respect.
Vietnam may be the Achilles heel for the Democrats but the situation today that we find ourselves in does not compare. The reasoning may be the same as to why both these incursions happened but the stakes are much higher today than it was during the Vietnam War. Today to a greater degree you have people willing to strap a bomb to their bodies and die without giving it a second thought. And that is what takes this to another level. If a person is that willing to die for a cause, is there any thing that will stop them? Michael Corleone made this observation in the Godfather part ll on his visit to Havana when he saw a rebel take a grenade into his hand and took his life along with the life of a soldier. And we see who won that fight.
So now it is time for the Democrats to reinvent themselves out of necessity and move past Vietnam. Republicans always give the argument they are better on defense. They may be aggressive on defense but they did not show any aggression to keep America safe enough to prevent September 11 from happening. A date they like to parade when they come under attack for their policies. And who really keeps this country safe? Is it not our Armed Forces and Intelligence agencies that hold the keys to national security when they are in the hands and guidance of prudent and competent leaders who will listen and follow their wise counsel of things which they have expertise? The Democrats need to question the arguments that are put before them by the Republicans concerning this Republican superiority (they boast) of defense that went so lacking on September 11 2001
And of lacking, the Republicans lack confidence in our intelligence system and our armed forces to truly do their part on behalf of national security. Every time a breaking news alert flash comes across the news broadcast concerning a foiled terrorist plot illustrates the lack of confidence the Republicans have in the agencies established to settle these matters behind the scenes. It is one thing to notify the public that arrests were made in connection to a plot, but another thing to drag it out all day long to make sure the citizenry is overly well aware that “you know who” is out to get us all and to remind us that it is up to the Republicans to keep us safe. Using subliminal propaganda to keep one’s status shows all the signs of lack of confidence I’d say, a lack of confidence in themselves and the way the system should be carried out.
The Democrats should capitalize on these things by publicly questioning the Republican arguments against them. Democrats are just as strong on defense as anyone of any party would be when it comes to the safety and well being of the country. And what gives the Democrats the edge over the Republicans is their ability to apply the proper analysis before making any judgment in international affairs. Playing by the rules and following protocol (publicly although it may be) is a good thing. If they could mix that with some “street cred”, the Democrats may just be on their way to overwhelming success and the just barely making it success can be a thing of the past. Why they take such abuse from the right I don’t understand. It is as if they accept it and are hopelessly bound to the arguments against them.