31 December 2006

Listening to the reporters from various news organizations report about the execution of Saddam Hussein there is never once been any mention of what the implications of this will be on America. Their questions are geared toward what implications this will have on Iraq. The consequences for America are also an issue. Given that Saddam once worked as a proxy for the US against Iran, and how the US in the past has used proxy governing to provide a means to its ends , those days may be over. Who will want to cooperate with a government that uses you for their ends and then when you display a bit of autonomy they turn against you and drag you through the mud for public display and backlash? By no means do I defend any leader who commits crimes against humanity as a way to express their autonomy and if evidence is found that supports these types of crimes being committed they should be brought to justice internationally. Albeit there are leaders that have with the world’s knowledge committed these crimes and they go on about their daily business unimpeded.
The fact this procedure to do away with Saddam was carried out so blatantly vindictively, because there was no hard evidence in support of the reasons he was captured, instead of using covert actions to capture him and/or letting him be tried in world courts, perhaps mutes any triumphant or exuberant joy that would be a result of finding out the dictator is no more. It exposed in my opinion the true reason for his capture and the hand of the US in the entire affair. And no matter how many statements are made that it was the Iraqi’s that governed over the procedure and brought Iraqi justice to Saddam, no matter what kind of spin is put on it, they were acting as the proxy arm of the US. Any other outcome would have meant their downfall. The US government’s subdued response to the announcement of the execution of Saddam Hussein speaks volumes. When you defeat a true enemy and threat to your safety there is great rejoicing. So the downplayed response of Saddam’s execution is fitting

The US government will likely be hard pressed to find help from other governments in time of need because it will be likely that other governments will be on their guard against any US involvement in their affairs which will without doubt going forward do harm to the US on the international front. Without access to and help from other governments in the time of true need may put the US in truly precarious situations. A perfect example of this is Russia’s move to nationalize their oil industry. The US may now begin to experience true isolationism.

29 December 2006

Out of curiosity, I have been trying to find out how the rest of the world’s leaders feel about the execution of Sadam Hussein. There appears to be an eerie silence. The United States is going in a direction from which there is no return, going forward with this execution especially giving the fact that Sadam was once an operative of the US and the fact there were no weapons of mass destruction found inside of Iraq And I have to comment as I watch the news there is a sense of bracing for something, like a sense of expectancy of something ominous happening. It is being phrased as an increase in insurgent violence in Iraq but I for one think what is in the air it goes far beyond Iraq
Other countries may find it hard to trust America and what she stood for. How can they trust when there will be the hidden thoughts that America may try to overthrow “my government and have me executed”. Now countries will be on the defense against America now that she has shown her hand and abused the power that she was trusted with. With this execution America has lost her innocence of being the stalwart of diplomacy by not letting this situation with Sadam Hussein work itself out on the international front. This is the repercussion that will be suffered. There is no way of telling what will be unleashed on this country by other nations as a result of this execution.

Even as the reporters speak out of there mouth there is no sense of a victory having been accomplished. It’s a sense of victory denied. No satisfaction just a feeling of “what is going to happen next”. As if there is an expectancy of some type of ramification but they can’t put their finger on it. It’s as though they talk very warily. One commentator on the Larry King show tonight says his execution was a result of his going into Kuwait. No mention of those who died at his hands being the reason. This shows that it was not the people that died that matter but because he crossed America is the reason he was executed. The people he once did business with say that justice was carried out on Sadam Hussein that he denied his people. Let that be the reason. With this execution America has fallen from the place she once held in the world. There is a ominous cloud hanging over this country today and who knows which way the foul wind will blow. The seeds are being sowed and a new day may be dawning in the Arab world. Keyword Unity

20 December 2006

Ok after listening to the president’s news conference today, it seems as though someone pulled him aside and had a sit down with him. His demeanor was completely different. It is apparent that it may have sunk in what was going on around him. He is peeping outside of the bubble. There are probably so many skeletons in the closet of this administration that he cannot afford to not go along with the rising call to pull out of Iraq. This is my prediction going forward. He will have a change the course epiphany when he makes his final conclusion otherwise he will probably have congress to deal with. And with the announcements flying about investigations being launched by the incoming democratic heads of the congressional committees next year he would be putting himself out there if he does not make some kind of concession. Don’t forget Harry Reid said the ball was in his court. So perhaps what we are seeing is the effort to save face so as to not look like his policy was a complete failure. Sorry it is at the expense of the soldiers while we wait.

ET Phone Home

On to another story of economics. We learn that our presence in the Persian Gulf is possibly being beefed up due to the increasing defiance of the Iranian government’s disposition of their nuclear weapons program Yeah right!! Recall if you will the story the day before was, rather than accepting dollars for their oil, Iran was accepting Euros instead. Now as in previous articles here in this blog it is important to stress the fact that if there is a status quo in our government it will only increase tensions, on all levels, in our relationships with other countries friend and foe. Since we depend on trade we cannot afford to have this new policy of using force to promote democracy. Nary the twain doeth mix. How do you mix force and democracy? It is oxy moronic; we use our super power status to promote democracy.

Well the thing about democracy is force is not part of the democratic equation. Force, that is our military force, is what protects the equation when something does not add up. And not to mention our military is more like a defense mechanism and not an offense mechanism which is attributable to the fundamental fact that this country was fashioned on the premise of people having freedom of self determination and the government recognizes that freedom and protects it by the constitution. Our governing body was designed as a defense for the preservation of human rights to self determination so how can the military which is part of that culture participate in such offense actions. It is the nature of the American being to defend the right of self determination. That is why this administration comes into conflict every time because the policy they are trying to impose clashes with the very foundation upon which this country was built and which has been ingrained in every American born on this soil.

When we are born in America we know it is our automatic right to self determination within reason and we will fight to preserve that. And that mentality exists in every American soldier because he himself is of course American with that same doctrine which has been entrenched in us all. So to put in place a policy such as using force to promote democracy in countries that are essential, is how shall I say, a façade. So whatever planet (perhaps planet neocon) those new policy makers came from they need to get back quickly.

It pays to be...

Story is the dollar is being dumped. This is the scenario that you don’t want to happen. We have been misled into an unfavorable war, and countries around the world dislike the way America has conducted herself on the international scene. So how do they return the favor? By hurting America where it matters the most: dumping the dollar. Because oil has been mainly denominated in dollars, dollars have to be held world wide. That gave America the upper hand in the world because everyone needs oil and they would have to possess dollars in order to purchase that oil. But when oil producers decide to receive other currencies in exchange for their oil and there is a reduction in dollar holdings in favor of other currencies it will devalue the dollar and put a squeeze on the US economy.

There is the Chinese government, who peg their Yuan with the value of the dollar. America cannot seem to get them to let their currency float with natural market conditions of supply and demand. America cannot seem to get them to let their currency float It is in the interest of their economy to continue to peg their currency against the dollar to keep the prices of their goods attractive. The more money we spend on their goods because they are cheap, the more dollars they accumulate and have on hand. It helps us in a way because it does keep inflation at bay because of the cheap prices and it keeps interest rates low because they reinvest the dollars they get from their exports in US assets. But it creates a trade imbalance that depending on the dollar value can grow or shrink. Given the US’ current track record in the international community these days, will they be willing to change their policy at our request? And Russia is refusing any outside ownership of its oil which has the potential of shrinking our oil supply. You have got to wonder what is going to happen next. One thing is for sure if things don’t change in Washington this country is going to be at the mercy of other nations and will be in for a hard landing. And it may even be too late.

So we wonder why is it that George H.W. Bush is having these recent break downs when he is giving speeches. The recent break down was during a speech he was giving on behalf of his son Jeb Bush who is in the last leg of governorship in the state of Florida. What flashed across his face during that outburst did not appear to be tears of joy. It looked more in the vein of agony. One can only imagine how agonizing it must be for him to know that his elder son who is the president has tarnished a great country like America.

We are now the most hated country in the world because of the foreign policy of this administration. And they audaciously tout that foreign policy to the disdain of other nations. Under this current president and his administration America’s credibility has been torn to shreds. This administration arrogantly flaunts its power as if this country is invincible and that no one would dare challenge it. Yes we are a powerful country but that power is basically based on the dollar and our economy makes our might and it is based on paper that is becoming weaker and weaker due to both internal and external pressures, economical and political. So what will that do to the US position in the world? It will become weaker and weaker and of no influence.

This president and his administration have attempted with their all to go counter of everything this nation was based on. This nation was the beacon in the world that otherNations emulated. America was the nation that always took the lead in foreign diplomacy and human rights. Now we are being ridiculed and chastised by other countries because we are becoming the nation which in times past we stood against. And it is happening under the direction of Bush 41’s son and that is surely not making him proud. We no longer can enjoy the status that we once had as being a world leader that champions justice fairness and tolerance. Now we champion imperialistic, intolerant, aggressive agendas. We are being brought to shame. Maybe it was the shame that brought Bush 41 to tears.

18 December 2006

This is the ticket

I predict a Al Gore Barack Obama ticket!!! Gorobama!!

10 December 2006

Now that the Hamilton Baker Commission has released its findings concerning the war in Iraq, it makes it painfully obvious that we have been led into a war based on a foreign policy that was not vigilantly deliberated. Actually it tells us what we already knew but it had to be spelled out for some to see. Now, this country has been put on a path of no return. You have a policy that was blindly implemented, and has put the troops and this country in a precarious situation. As it has been stated maybe not in so many words, the Hamilton Baker Commission’s finding is just short of a concession and a public one at that. World leaders who are watching these events are taking note no doubt. Hopefully these events will reflect only on the administration, but now that this “my way or the highway”, pre-emptive strike seed has been sown, will they be willing to forget that US went down this path or going forward will they always be suspicious no matter who leads this country? We should not have been put in the position where we are bound in a situation that looks as if we are going to be on the short end of the stick. This was very poor planning on the part of the administration. Even as they made the findings public you could just feel the bottom falling out. The damage that has been done to this country by going into an unjustified war in Iraq maybe beyond comprehension. It has not sunk in yet.

The fact that a commission outside of the administration made this careful determination that the situation in Iraq is “grave and deteriorating” does not reflect well on the administration. It makes them look incompetent. It was the administration’s responsibility to make the proper assessment of the situation and take the appropriate course of action. Oh the folly of this administration. It makes the commission look like the mess hall clean up crew.

When the findings were released and presented to the president, he did not appear to publicly accept them. His actions maybe a different story though. His public rhetoric has not changed but perhaps he will do as he did when we saw the release of the secretary of defense from his duties when publicly the president kept saying he was not letting him go. In the days ahead, the president will be consulting with and reviewing various other proposals as to the condition in Iraq and how best to approach the situation. Once this fact finding, information gathering period ends, he will announce his plan of action based on all of these reports. This is the kind of research that should have taken place before going into Iraq but should of could of would of. My prediction he may not have a choice .